The Parish Post – Well Dressing Committee

A note from the Well Dressing Committee

The Well Dressing Committee held its first meeting of the New Year this week.

The meeting was both productive and enthusiastic so it’s now all systems go for Well Dressing 2025 May Bank Holiday, Monday 5th May 2025.

Help is always needed. Your Village needs YOU!!!

Anna & Ruth will appreciate any help that you can give with PETALING during the week preceding May Day.
The Petaling Tent will be on ‘Bob’s Field’, Yoxall Road and is accessible all day long.
Petaling is, as those of you who have been involved in Well Dressing over the past 40 odd years will know, an extremely satisfying activity.

Nick & Co will be grateful for any ‘strong arm’ help to put up the bunting in the Square, place the Well Boards on Sunday 4th May and to erect gazebos and place traffic signs on the morning of Well Dressing.

Help is also required for the ‘Puddling of the Clay’ (smoothing the clay)and the filling of the Well Boards with the Clay on Saturday 26th April at 10am in the Field and general tidying up of the Field.

 Di will appreciate any help on offer on the day! Selling programmes, helping on stalls etc.

If anyone feels that they can contribute even just an hour of their time to help make Newborough Well Dressing Day a success please contact Di Bell to be included on the rota.