
Newborough Parish Council is made up of seven elected members who live/and or work within the Parish. It includes a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and five other councillors with differing responsibilities. The Parish Clerk serves the Council and oversees all administrative issues.

Council meetings are formal events and include a public forum at which members of the public may comment or ask questions. They are usually held on the first Monday of the month – other than on Bank Holidays and in August when there is no meeting – at 7.30pm in The Jubilee Room in the Church, They have a clear purpose to make decisions and are officially minuted by the Parish Clerk and discuss many issues, briefly summarized below:

  • Planning, Highways & Traffic calming issues
  • Maintenance of parks & public open spaces
  • Street lighting
  • Street cleaning & Litter patrol
  • Rights of way ie. keeping public footpaths accessible
  • Supporting community events and groups within the village.

A Parish Notice Board can be found in the centre of the village and is kept up-to-date on any topical issue. Parish Council documents including approved minutes are available to view here. 

The Parish Council is always open to new ideas or suggestions and welcomes any help or support.