The Parish Post – June 22 – Parish Meeting Round Up

The Parish Post

A round up of the latest Parish Council meeting

The latest parish council meeting saw councillors discussing the upcoming projects for the village. These include the Newborough Traffic Calming scheme which will now be taking place in August this year, not May as previously advertised.

The replacement of the damaged wooden and plastic posts was also reviewed, so expect to see these in the village in the coming weeks.

The addition of fingerposts to be installed at junction of B5234 and Duffield Lane was agreed with further information on installation to be received from Staffordshire County Council.

Lastly, the council are currently looking at potential costings for a flashing speed sign.

 The watercourse which passes through Duffield Green

As you may know the main body of the watercourse was appallingly choked with thick sediment and tall dense weeds with the entrance to the piped section severely restricted by heavy weed growth too.

Thankfully a kind parishioner took the time to clean this debris but informed the Parish Council of the issue immediately. Following the meeting Cllr Skipper was able to visit the site and ensure that the water course was cleaned thoroughly!

Website… Again

Just a reminder…. Newborough Parish Council are proud to launch our new website which can be found at

This website will contain all our agenda, minutes, and important documents as well as newsletter updates, links to local council apps such as the MyStaffs App for reporting potholes or littering, and information on both the Newborough Parish Council and the County & Borough Councillors.

We have also added pages on the History of the Village & Village Events.

If there is anything else, you would like to see on our website please email the clerk at